When You Need a Real Professional for Your Home Project, LIBI Will Help You Find One!
If you are remodeling, doing a renovation or looking for financing, then the Long Island Builders Institute should be your one stop resource center for contractors, trades people and professional services. LIBI provides customers with referrals for a LIBI builder member or a LIBI remodeler member, and for associate members (such as electricians, plumbers, attorneys and mortgage bankers) who sell directly to the public.
All members carry the proper licensing and insurance.
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Hayduk Engineering
Contact: Stephen HaydukBiographical Info
Hayduk Engineering and Stephen G. Hayduk, P.E. possess four decades of experience in the design and administration of engineering projects, particularly sanitary engineering, site planning and related civil engineering projects. Consulting engineering services have been provided to private and municipal clients throughout the northeast states over the course of our history. During this time Hayduk Engineering has developed a known expertise and reputation for quality engineering, and have represented numerous private and public clients as the engineer of record in civil and sanitary engineering projects, storm drainage projects, building construction and rehabilitation, construction management, and other types of projects.