Hafele America Co. - LIBI’s List

When You Need a Real Professional for Your Home Project, LIBI Will Help You Find One!

If you are remodeling, doing a renovation or looking for financing, then the Long Island Builders Institute should be your one stop resource center for contractors, trades people and professional services. LIBI provides customers with referrals for a LIBI builder member or a LIBI remodeler member, and for associate members (such as electricians, plumbers, attorneys and mortgage bankers) who sell directly to the public.

All members carry the proper licensing and insurance.

Find a LIBI Service Provider

Hafele America Co.

Contact: Kate Whitton
3901 Cheyenne Dr. Archdale NC 27263 Cell Phone: 516-824-2563

Biographical Info

Häfele America Co.

Häfele America Co. serves the U.S. market with functional hardware and specialty fittings.  Our corporate offices and primary distribution center are located in Archdale, NC, with regional distribution centers in various parts of the country.  Häfele is known internationally as a leading source of architectural sliding hardware, fitting systems, and lighting.


Categories: Cabinetry & Carpentry, Doors (garage, Doors (Interior/Exterior)
Updated 11 months ago.
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